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Due T 2022-04-12⧗, 3:00pm EST 32pts

Warning: Note the unusual due date and time.

Note: We will be doing usability testing in class F 2022-04-08

Please post any questions about this assignment on Canvas in Discussion: P7—Presentations.

Table of contents

Change log

Aim of the assignment

In this assignment, you will have a complete draft of your project visualization, with all expected visualizations and interactivity implemented. You will also prepare a presentation to give in class to communicate the motivation of your project, your visualizations and design choices, interactivity implemented, and takeaways/insights gained.

Background information

Your project must meet the requirements specified in the Project Overview. Make sure that you review and address any feedback you receive.

Warning: The requirements listed for the final visualization must be met in terms of interactions and other features, unless you have approval from the instructor to build a differentiated visualization.


Usability testing prior to presentations

During class F 2022-04-08, you will be performing a usability test of your project. Members of other groups will be testing your project, and give you comments and suggestions about it. Therefore, your project should be ready to be tested by somebody else by then.

  1. Your group should have a complete draft of the project implemented, with all expected visualizations and interactivity. You should have squashed all obvious UI issues and bugs already. This updated code should be in your repository. Being ready will help your team utilize and benefit from the in-class usability testing at its fullest, letting you discover more unexpected issues.

  2. Make sure your project is not too confusing. If you need to write explanations for a lay user to understand what they’re seeing, do so.

In-class presentation

Each group will prepare a short in-class presentation. The requirements here are copied from the Project Overview:

  • The presentation should be ~5 minutes in duration. (It cannot exceed 8 minutes, including Q&A.)
  • Pending time constraints, each group will have ~3 minutes after their allotted presentation time to answer questions from the audience and receive feedback. Additional feedback will be provided by the instructional staff afterwards in writing.
  • Each member of the group must speak for approximately equal portions of the presentation.
  • The presentation must include either a live-demo of the visualization or a pre-recorded video demonstration of the visualization (but with no audio—narration must be live). The demo video option is highly recommended because they are faster, you can still make eye contact with the audience while it plays, and there is little risk of technical hicups.
  • The presentation must be created using Google Slides and should not require any local files. I.e., any member of your team or the teaching staff should be able to run all your presentation materials. As the presentations will be conducted remotely, using Google Slides ensures that if you are unable to share your screen, someone else can instead.


  1. Add a link to your Google Slides on your web page (make sure the sharing options allow the teaching staff to access the slides).
  2. Test your A/V setup before the day you present. Make sure you can present your slides in Zoom.
  3. Review the Grading Notes below for how we will be evaluating your presentation.

Your presentation order will be provided day-of.

Presentation order

This is the randomly-assigned presentation order:


  1. G03-FunctionalConnectivityinBrain
  2. G18-Adoptability with Petfinder
  3. G12-IDEA
  4. G05-FlightLandingsWeatherSafety
  5. G09-Intramurals
  6. G15-Visualizing Patient Data
  7. G02-Axolotl Limb Regeneration
  8. G07-NewLondonCountyOverdose
  9. G11-Linguistics phonology Visual
  10. G16-FlightAccidents


  1. G10-PeerTutorProgram
  2. G13-Data Visualization of Brucellosis
  3. G06-Mom&PopBakeryShop
  4. G04-Lumen Vitae Financial Data Vis
  5. G01-RisingSeaLevels
  6. G19-MyNoke
  7. G20-Visualtitude
  8. G08-TACC
  9. G17-PrisonBooks
  10. G14-NUMutualAidFoodPantry

Submission instructions

  1. Commit all your local files and push them to the remote repository on GitHub which was generated by GitHub Classroom. We will grade based on what is visible on the GitHub Page.

  2. One person from your group should submit the URL of your Google Slides to the assignment P7—Presentations in GradeScope.

    Note: Use Gradescope’s Group Members tab to add the members of your group to your submission.

    Warning: Do not put a link to a repository. It must be to the Google Slides.

Academic integrity

Warning: Cite everything you use from other sources! Text, images, videos, designs, code…

See the academic integrity policy on the syllabus for more detail on our expectations.

Grading notes

Here are several of the things we will be assessing when viewing your presentation:


  • Be explicit about the contribution of your work.
  • Highlight the key features of the tool & aspects of the work.

Content and structure:

  • The introduction is attention-getting, lays out the talk well, and establishes a framework for the rest of the presentation.
  • The presentation lays out a clear narrative that makes sense and flows.
  • Material included is relevant to the overall message/purpose.
  • Appropriate amount of material is prepared, and points made reflect well their relative importance.
  • There is an obvious conclusion summarizing the presentation.

Presentation skills:

  • Speakers maintain good eye contact with the audience and are appropriately animated (e.g., gestures, moving around, etc.).
  • Speakers use a clear, audible voice.
  • Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth.
  • Good language skills and pronunciation are used.
  • Visual aids are well-prepared, informative, effective, and not distracting.
  • Length of presentation is within the assigned time limits. Points are based on main presentation time.
  • All team members have the same amount of time to present (no team member ≥ 1.5X another).
  • All team members have the same amount of time to answer questions (no team member ≥ 1.5X another).
  • If there is an interactive visualization, a live demo or video is included and narrated over.

Making good progress:

  • The presentation evidences that the group has made sustained and meaningful progress towards actualizing their project.

High-quality work following best practices:

  • Your visualizations and interactions are well-thought-out and follow best practices we’ve learned in the course.
  • You have spent the time to polish your work and fix all the small, obvious issues.

Teaching staff’s discretion:

  • Meant as a stand-in for any other characteristics not accounted for elsewhere in the rubric and for more holistic evaluation. Recall our overall course grading ideal from Assignment Grading Expectations on the Syllabus:

you get 85% of the points by meeting our expectations, but the last 15% is for doing amazing work that demonstrates your creativity and deep understanding of the course material.

Points will be deducted for not following the instructions.

© 2022 Cody Dunne. Released under the CC BY-SA license